Route Map

Route Map

This tool creates a route between two or more locations and includes distances and time estimates

Inefficient resource allocation and route path selections result in poor productivity outcomes for freight and logistic companies. Congestion across differing time periods and its impact on timely deliveries can be challenging. Transport Toolkit’s Route Map tool allows you to estimate the travel times between multiple locations through an interface with Google Maps.

Select from one of three Traffic Modes (Optimistic, Best Guess or Pessimistic). Each option will return you the Google travel time by time of day and day type you have nominated.


Below is a table showing the travel times using the three Traffic Modes for the same journey on the same day and at the same time.

The images below show the three results using our Route Map tool.


Estimating travel times has never been easier using our mapping interface. Check how travel times change across the day and by day of the week. An example below highlights how travel times can vary across the day using the same trip and travel mode options.

Customers expect our transport services to operate on time and most importantly be reliable (predicable). Using our route map tool helps you understand how long a service or trip should take at particular times of the day. As you can see from the chart above, the travel time at 8am on a weekday is very different to the travel times at 1pm.


This tool is available under our Gold and Platinum packages. Refer to our Pricing page for more information.

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